Online Video Stats

Cory DeGuzman
Author: ,
Posted: March 18, 2024

Online video will account for 74% of all internet traffic in 2017! The use and implementation of video will have arguably the biggest impact on company websites this year.

Check out the info-graphic below for more compelling stats on the use of video in 2017.

2017 Video Stats


Did you know that video consumption is skyrocketing? With more people turning to their screens for entertainment and information, videos have become a powerhouse in digital marketing. In fact, studies show that over 85% of internet users watch video content every month, and by 2022, online videos will make up over 82% of all internet traffic. Whether it’s funny cat videos or educational tutorials, the stats don’t lie – video is king.

Watching videos isn’t just a trend – it’s a revolution. From captivating social media stories to informative how-to guides, video content is dominating the digital landscape like never before. With over 1 billion hours of YouTube watched daily and 72% of consumers preferring video over text when learning about a product or service, businesses can’t afford to ignore the power of  video. Whether you’re a creator, marketer, or consumer, the era of online video is here to stay, shaping the way we connect, learn, and engage online.

Online video is super popular now. Lots of people watch videos every day. Businesses use videos to show their products. Almost everyone prefers watching videos over reading text. Videos make things more fun and easy to understand. They’re changing how we do things online. And as technology gets better, videos will become even more important. So get ready for more videos everywhere!


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